Tabata Songs - Music for Tabata Interval Workouts.
Weekly Music, Workouts & Videos.
Tabata Songs offers music that is created specifically for the TABATA Interval Training Protocol (4 Minutes|20 Seconds Work: 10 Seconds Rest). Each song coaches the listener through the 8 intervals of this 4-minutTabata Songs - Music for Tabata Interval Workouts.
Weekly Music, Workouts & Videos.
Tabata Songs offers music that is created specifically for the TABATA Interval Training Protocol (4 Minutes|20 Seconds Work: 10 Seconds Rest). Each song coaches the listener through the 8 intervals of this 4-minute workout, prompting when to GO and when to REST, eliminating any need for timers, watches, or inaccurate time estimates.
With music genres ranging from Hip-Hop to Country to Electronica, Tabata Songs has something for everybody.
Each Tabata Songs track gives the listener 10 seconds of prep time, with the actual workout beginning at the 10 second mark, prompted by the first “3 2 1 GO!”
Videa publikujeme každou 2. neděli. Zacvičit si můžeš s Míšou Mrázkovou, Šárkou Pokornou nebo s Hankou Kynychovou. Najdeš u nás tréninky na celé tělo, posilování bříška, účinné cviky na zadek, stehna a nohy, ale také cvičení na horní část těla. Čeká tě sZACVIČ SI
Videa publikujeme každou 2. neděli. Zacvičit si můžeš s Míšou Mrázkovou, Šárkou Pokornou nebo s Hankou Kynychovou. Najdeš u nás tréninky na celé tělo, posilování bříška, účinné cviky na zadek, stehna a nohy, ale také cvičení na horní část těla. Čeká tě spalovací kardio, HIIT nebo TABATA a další tréninky s pomůckami i s vlastní váhou těla.
Chceš cvičit podle delších a propracovanějších videí? Vstup do VIP Programu. Čekají tě super tréninky pro začátečníky i pokročilé, výzvy, tréninkové plány a e-booky…
Máme pro tebe videorecepty na zdravá jídla s Leou Skálovou z MasterChefa.
Nutriční terapeutka Jana Králová pro tebe natáčí sérii EAT COACH, která ti ujasní, co jíst, když chceš zhubnout nebo se prostě jen stravovat zdravě.
Jsme holky jako ty a zajímají nás témata okolo krásy, zdraví a zdravého životního stylu obecně... Proto pro tebe natáčíme i zajímavé PINK TALKY, kde řešíme ženská témata (léčba akné, poruchy příjmu potravy).
Pilates Pavlína, pilates inspirace.
Instruktorka pilates od roku 2012. Pilates supporter. Cvičení s pomůckami (cop na pilates, kruh na pilates, válec, overball).
Pilates reformer.
Pilates z pohodlí domova - vide
Pilates Pavlína, pilates inspirace.
Instruktorka pilates od roku 2012. Pilates supporter. Cvičení s pomůckami (cop na pilates, kruh na pilates, válec, overball).
Pilates reformer.
Pilates z pohodlí domova - video kurzy a video lekce pilates.
여러분의 젊음 지킴이 "추민수"입니다 :)
사)KUDA 피트니스 협회장
- 30년 경력 여자운동 전문 트레이너
- 여성 전문 운동 '펠트니스' 개발자
- 스포츠 재활 전문 트레이너
- 스포츠 영양학 전문 트레이너
- 한국 벨리댄안녕하세요~!
여러분의 젊음 지킴이 "추민수"입니다 :)
사)KUDA 피트니스 협회장
- 30년 경력 여자운동 전문 트레이너
- 여성 전문 운동 '펠트니스' 개발자
- 스포츠 재활 전문 트레이너
- 스포츠 영양학 전문 트레이너
- 한국 벨리댄스 1세대
- 머슬마니아 미즈비키니 국내 1위)
- MBC.SBS.KBS 비타민,내 몸사용 설명서.좋은아침.만물상 등 출연다수
- 미스코리아 대전.충남.세종 심사위원
- 대덕대학교 모델학과 대학수시 심사위원
* 주요저서*
- 여자이고 싶은 여자의 펠트니스 다이어트 (다이어트 부문 베스트셀러 달성)
- 이 운동만 하면 살이 안쪄요
저는 20대 초반부터 여성만을 전문으로 한 피트니스 강사의 외길 30년을 걸어오며 그동안의 여성의 아름다운 건강을 위한 열정적인 연구와 현장 강의를 멈추지 않았습니다.
저의 몸을 대상으로 여러가지 시도와 아픈 경험도 하며 꾸준히 노력해 온 결과 120살 세대를 맞이하여 나이가 들어도 변치 않는 젊음과 건강한 아름다움을 위한 "진짜 여자운동 펠트니스"를 개발하게 되었습니다
앞으로 펠트니스 뿐 아니라 여성의 건강과 아름다움을 위한 여러가지 참신한 생활 꿀팁을 제공하여 여성이 모두 행복해 지는 세상을 향해 앞장 서서 달리겠습니다!
앞으로 많은 관심과 사랑 부탁드리며 제게 힘이 되는 좋아요~! 구독~! 알림설정~! 부탁드립니다^^
응원의 댓글과 궁금하신 점 그리고 원하시는 정보도 언제든지 물어봐 주세요~
성실히 모두 알려드릴 것을 약속드립니다~!
제게 용무가 있으신 분들께선
[email protected] 으로 연락주세요^^
Hello my beautiful people my name is Irene.December 2020 i gave birth to my beautiful daughter who is 1 and half years now.i added a lot of weight from 64 to 83.last year July i made a decision to do workout,i searched for the perfect workouts to do at home and i came across kiat jud dai workouts.i Hello my beautiful people my name is Irene.December 2020 i gave birth to my beautiful daughter who is 1 and half years now.i added a lot of weight from 64 to 83.last year July i made a decision to do workout,i searched for the perfect workouts to do at home and i came across kiat jud dai workouts.i tried for 7 days and i started seeing changes on my body.i decided to do the exercises 5 times a week and also jumping rope when i wanted to change,i managed to lose 13kg in few am 70kgs my goal is 60kgs and i felt the best way to do it is to share the workouts that helped and worked for me by recording the videos while working out and share them on youtube to motivate any lady who is struggling to lose weight so we can do it together.if you ever come across this channel ,feel at home .Join me my subscribing so we be able to workout together to achieve our dream bodies. Much love.
ABC News is your daily source for breaking national and world news, exclusive interviews and 24/7 live streaming coverage that will help you stay up to date on the events shaping our world.
WORKOUT NATION is great team of professional fitness athletes and coaches. We have our own dedicated team of video editors/producer, Videographer/filmmaker. WORKOUT NATION is Worldwide Brand & Movement. All content on our channel have educational value. Workout and demonstration of training in bodybWORKOUT NATION is great team of professional fitness athletes and coaches. We have our own dedicated team of video editors/producer, Videographer/filmmaker. WORKOUT NATION is Worldwide Brand & Movement. All content on our channel have educational value. Workout and demonstration of training in bodybuilding, fitness, calisthenics, crossfit. We try to make the video interesting and informative. The video shows exercises and muscle work with a description. All our videos have musical accompaniment. We believe that learning with music becomes more interesting for people and not boring. The idea is to Motivate more people to start working on themselves... also to show them some interesting things in Fitness Industry These Days.
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Hey, I'm Gloria Song. I am 21 and currently reside in Toronto.
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삼십대 후반부터 검도에 빠져서 검도(3단)를 잘하고 싶어서 운동을 이것저것 찾아보다가 운동에 푹 빠지게 되었어요.
제 채널에서 제가 즐겨하는 홈트 운동 루틴과 뉴�📗 빅씨스 책이 드디어 나왔습니다!
삼십대 후반부터 검도에 빠져서 검도(3단)를 잘하고 싶어서 운동을 이것저것 찾아보다가 운동에 푹 빠지게 되었어요.
제 채널에서 제가 즐겨하는 홈트 운동 루틴과 뉴욕 라이프 그리고 사는 이야기 해볼까해요.
우리 함께 건강해져보아요! 영상 보시고 도움 되셨으면 구독 부탁드릴게요!
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